Please join End Abortion Alabama and others for an emergency information meeting to discuss how your church can take action for life and end abortion in Alabama.
The 2023 Legislative Session begins on March 7, and now is the perfect opportunity to finally abolish abortion in our state. God has provided us with a bold legislator who plans to introduce a bill of equal protection under the law for all human life. It is righteous legislation that would:
– Judicially end all abortion completely in the state
– Protect all life in Alabama from the moment of fertilization
– Ban all forms of prenatal homicide
This meeting is for Pastors and Church Leaders. Speakers will be focusing on Biblical instruction and how you can get your church involved to take action for life. We need as many pastors as possible to attend so they can help spread the word about the bill that would end all abortion in the state of Alabama.
This meeting is FREE, and lunch will be provided. Please let us know if you can make it!