Resources and Information



Pro-life or Pro-choice, You’re Religious

One may interject with the retort that there are many on both sides of this hotly contested debate who don’t appeal to any form of religion or appeal to God in order to make their stand either way.


Christians, It’s Time to Take Back the Language

In the midst of the redefinition, the Church has sat by idly and allowed the proper use of words to be ripped away from us by those who want their own definition of reality instead of God’s.


Confronting the Idol of Choice

It is an all too common idea amongst most evangelicals in our day that the Christian faith is only about “soul-winning” for heaven one day. This is a pervasive notion that has resulted in culture being viewed as a tertiary matter, or even from a position of apathy by the very same people that have been charged with bringing the culture of the Kingdom into every area of the world.


The Assault on the Family

Abortion is the defacing of the image of God in the most literal sense. It is an act of malice towards the most defenseless and voiceless.


When Religious Freedom Means Murder

The idea of a moral or legal system built on neutral values comes from a view of the universe as being meaningless and without purpose.


Crying for the Right Reasons

Here is an example of product being sold to support the “Shout your Abortion” movement and abortions in Wicked Willie’s geographical area of practice.

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