Equipping the Christian Church to End Abortion Now
But together we can put an end to abortion.
We can protect the lives of 1,000's of babies.
And it all starts with one person: You
Nothing could be better than giving the gift of life. Giving life is what Christ did for us. Therefore, the church has a role. Including – and especially – you.
Our work to end abortion can’t start without your support. No matter how much you choose to give, 100% will directly fund the end of abortion.
Our Work
Our approach is simple and effective, and we know it works because we see the number of babies saved growing each and every day. Our church partners regularly report on their work in the field, and the results are evidence of real life impact.
This is happening


Church Partners

What can you do to end abortion now?
Start an abortion clinic ministry
Engage local and state legislators
Save lives by giving today

Getting started begins with a willingness to see real change take place in our nation.
Our Donors Save Lives.
More than 6,000 babies have been saved because of our partnering donors. Your donation makes an eternal difference—for life.
100% of your gift go towards saving babies

Distinctively Christian
When abortion ends, we end. We do this in the name of glorifying God and loving our precious pre-born neighbors. Not for the sake of creating a pro-life industry.
We need more Christians who are pro-life in action and not just pro-life in their hearts.