Resources and Information


Browse the latest resources to help end abortion.


Apologia/CrossPolitic Discuss Abolition

We talk with our friends at a FLF Conference in Nashville. We talk about a lot. . . including a respectful and gracious conversation about


Abortion Mill Tips

Some important and helpful tips for those of us who are involved in this vitally important ministry


Capital Punishment is Pro-Life

Introduction Recently the New York Times visited our studio office in Arizona to interview Pastor Jeff Durbin about the ministry of End Abortion Now. The

Does the Bible Actually Condone Abortion

Does the Bible Actually Condone Abortion?

Exploring the biblical perspective on abortion: Does the Bible really condone it? Dive into the scriptures and see what the Bible really has to say on this controversial topic.


History of Protecting Life in The Womb

We sat down with Dr. George Grant and discussed the history and current climate of protecting life in the womb. Dr. Grant is the Director


Biblical Pillars of End Abortion Now

This mission of End Abortion Now is grounded in the truth of Scripture. We do not derive our beliefs, strategies, and methods from secular norms,

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