About End Abortion Now
Our Story
End Abortion Now began as a local outreach effort in Arizona to women considering abortion. The leadership of Apologia Church had always maintained Pro-Life convictions. However, it wasn’t until hearing a sermon clip from the controversial documentary: “Babies are Murdered Here” on the importance of the issue that their conviction to stand for life advanced beyond the the walls of church. This coupled together with hearing testimonies from other faithful believers working in the same arena galvanized Apologia Church to step out in faith and take the Good News of the Gospel to their local abortion clinics in the Phoenix area.
The fruit that resulted from this work was staggering. Christians with a desire to see souls saved and lives rescued from death committed to ministering weekly on public sidewalks outside of the clinics. This included sharing the message of forgiveness and hope found in Jesus Christ as well as offering practical help to mothers. Through these efforts, the Lord started to turn the hearts of many young women and men toward choosing life for their babies. Broadcasts were made from Apologia’s social media platform in the months to come, sharing stories of babies being saved from death and mothers receiving support from the church body. Other local congregations across the country began to ask questions about how they could implement similar ministries in their own contexts. Word spread about the possibility of Christians having a genuine impact in the area of abortion outside of merely voting for a political candidate or volunteering at a crisis pregnancy center.
Pastors across the nation were catching wind of a movement towards church based outreach with an explicitly Biblical approach. Sidewalk ministry as a front line attempt at rescuing babies became an impetus for practical action in the life of local churches who began seeing the fruit of life in their labors. It wasn’t until an interview between Apologia Studios and the (at the time) VP of National Right to Life that a paradigm shift occurred for Apologia. During the interview, Lauinger spoke at length on how the Pro-Life movement’s strategy included opposing legislation that would ban abortion completely, opting to treat all mothers themselves as victims of abortion. It became clear that major Pro-Life organizations and lobby groups were standing on a different foundation than the Bible. This was ultimately the turning point that led to the founding of End Abortion Now, a coalition of local churches spanning the reach of the globe. EAN was established with the conviction that ending abortion must be the work of Christians proclaiming the Gospel of God’s grace for sinners, while also demanding justice for all preborn children in the womb. The vision to equip Christians, flood social media with truth, and end abortion at the state level had been limited due to a lack of financial resources.
Then in 2017, the Lord provided a faithful donor who believed in the vision and mission of EAN. This generosity, and that of countless others has helped create a coalition of hundreds of local churches equipped for the task of ending abortion. As a result, thousands of babies have been saved from death by abortion. Countless hours of Gospel proclamation outside the darkest places imaginable has taken place. Legislation that would provide equal protection for all preborn children has now been proposed in multiple states. All of it has been built by the work of faithful local churches refusing to outsource the responsibility for protecting life to other entities. End Abortion Now is not a business exercising control over, or oversight of Pro-Life groups. End Abortion Now is the rallying cry for a coalition of local churches, united under a single banner to combat this great evil of our age like Christians. We are not a multimillion dollar industry machine. When abortion ends, we do. We will not rest until this great enemy is placed underneath the feet of King Jesus.
Frequently Asked Questions
It is our conviction that every church should develop a ministry to abortion clinics in their communities. Sin leads parents to offer up their own children to be slaughtered. To be sure, abortion clinic ministry is difficult and often times ugly. However, Christians are commanded to take the light of the Gospel to the darkest places and lift up the name of Jesus in the battle for lives and souls. The Biblical pattern remains the same for any evangelistic outreach: Pastors raise up leaders within the congregation and calls upon the church to pray, financially support, and volunteer help in any way the Lord calls. The mission of the church is to evangelize and disciple. If no one is sent to the clinics to preach, how will people hear the Good News? (Romans 10:14)
Unregenerate sinners cannot be pushed further away from God than they already are. Abortion is an issue of sin and finds its root in man’s rebellion against his Creator. The primary need of the abortion minded woman is not more information, but truth spoken in love that gets to the heart of the problem. Only the Word of God can truly change hearts and minds because it speaks to the condition of the sinful heart and provides the only solution: the Gospel (Romans 1:16).
You can join our online coalition at dashboard.endabortionnow.com where you can reach out to our network of affiliates and see who may be in your area.
Anyone who signs up must be a member of a local church overseen by Biblically qualified Pastors/Elders. Each person who submits a sign-up form will be contacted by our Communications Director who will also contact church leadership about the interest to be partnered. Once approved, materials and training resources can be sent in order to equip each local church for ministry at the clinics.
We ask the churches who join our network to keep in touch and use our platforms to report back their experiences to us regarding their time at the abortion mills. This is to share testimonies of all that the Lord is doing through our church partners, as well as encourage one another and other local churches to join the fight to end abortion. We also request that if our local churches are in a position to financially support the work of EAN, this would go far to help equip other local bodies of believers to get involved. The support of our generous donors enables us to provide these resources as a blessing to our churches.
We provide training and resources to equip Christians for ministering at abortion clinics. We also connect believers to our online community in order to network with other like-minded individuals and churches in the realms of ministry and legislation.
As long as your church holds to historic Christian orthodoxy and the essentials of the faith and there is Biblically qualified leadership, your church will be approved for partnership pending our process for verification.
For other ways to get involved, please see What will be your role?—there are lots of ways that you can help End Abortion Now right where you are.