Identifying the Battle

The question of who lives and who dies should never be left to a popular vote.

But here we are. This is what we’re facing in Arizona in a Post-Roe America.

Abortion remains legal in all fifty states and if Pro-Abortion activists have their way, we will witness the bloodiest part of our American Holocaust yet.

Their aim is to enshrine the murder of the unborn into our state constitution as a fundamentally protected right through the use of citizen initiatives.

Petitioners have been hitting the streets for months to gather signatures that would put abortion on the ballot this fall.

On July 3, the Arizona Abortion Access reportedly submitted over 800,000 petitions.

We have been working with another local group around the clock to invalidate these signatures and ensure that this proposed amendment never sees the light of day. 

Please pray for this effort. We are trusting God to give us the victory.

However, should this make it on the ballot, Christians, conservatives, and anyone else who values the sanctity of human life must unite to defeat this initiative at the voting booth.

Bypassing state legislatures and directly amending constitutions is a strategy that has seen success, and it is coming to a conservative state near you.

How We Win

How do we win? 

By telling the truth and focusing on what’s actually wrong with abortion.

We need to make sure that if voters are going to sign the death warrants of these children, that they have to stare this evil in the face before they cast their vote.

Healthcare, choice and reproductive rights are all slogans that have been used for decades to desensitize the conscience of our culture to the heinous nature of child sacrifice.

It’s way past time to speak clearly about this practice. We can no longer afford to mince words.

Abortion is the brutal murder of innocent human beings in the womb. These are image bearers of God and they are our smallest, most defenseless neighbors.

This is why abortion is wrong. 

Not because it hurts women, although it does. 

Not because it destroys families, although it does.

Yes, this initiative would force real healthcare professionals to violate their oath to do no harm.

But that’s not ultimately why Arizonans should oppose it.

We should oppose it because it denies justice to the fatherless and sentences the innocent to death.

Our Call to Action

The Abortion Access Initiative would prevent the State from doing their God-given duty to protect innocent life, including up to the moment of birth!

To be clear, murdering a human being at any stage of life is murder (Exodus 20:13). 

This is why Christians must demand that their state legislatures give equal protection under the law to all human beings from fertilization and settle for nothing less.

Abortion should be illegal for all parties involved, not turned into a fundamental right.

No one has the right to do what is absolutely wrong.

All lives must be protected equally. Until they are, the unborn will be the only ones denied the same rights we so often take for granted.

Lives are at stake, but we can win. By God’s grace, we will win.

If we don’t want to see abortion become part of our constitutions, we must boldly proclaim the truth. 

Join us in prayer. Join us by financially partnering to fight and win this battle in our own state and help the church across the nation win in their own states.

May the Lord be pleased to accomplish his will through us and spare our states from the guilt of further bloodshed.

For the Glory of King Jesus.