– 08/20/2024

Ohio & Kentucky Leadership & Pastor Meeting to End Abortion

This is an emergency meeting to find out how you and your church can support legislation to end abortion in Ohio & Kentucky.


333 Warner

Start Time

5:00 pm



What to Expect

After suffering setbacks in recent election cycles, pastors and churches need to work together to bring this barbaric practice to an end. Therefore, the purpose of this meeting is to gather and mobilize like minded pastors to press for equal protection for preborn babies in Ohio and Kentucky. Pastors who attend this meeting will hear from Pastor Jeff Durbin on the biblical foundation for ending abortion and will coordinate with other pastors for coordinated efforts on the ground in their state.

This meeting is FREE, and dinner will be provided in the Fellowship Hall starting at 5:00 pm!! Pastors Meeting will begin promptly at 6:00pm through 8:30pm.

Can’t make it to the event? Click here at 6:00pm to join us on our live stream!

Please let us know if you can make it by clicking the link to RSVP!



Explore your state while learning how many babies have been saved and how you can get involved.

Know what representatives to contact and what to say using this tool. 

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