11:00 am |
January 25, 2023
 – January 25, 2023

Equal Protection Bill KY

(January 25, 2023) –  
End Abortion Now, in partnership with Action for Life and Abolish Abortion Kentucky are forwarding legislation to protect all human life in the state from the moment of fertilization


2800 Bullittsburg Church Road

Start Time

11:00 am




Frankfort, Kentucky (January 13, 2023) — End Abortion Now, in partnership with Action for Life and Abolish Abortion Kentucky are forwarding legislation to protect all human life in the state from the moment of fertilization. 

Rep. Emily Callaway (R) serves to introduce “The Abolition of Abortion in Kentucky Act.” The bill is one of equal protection and would apply the same constitutional provisions of the 14th amendment to all preborn children. The text of the bill states:

“Innocent human life, created in the image of God, should be equally protected under the laws from fertilization to natural death; and WHEREAS, To ensure the right to life and equal protection of the laws, all preborn children should be protected with the same homicide laws protecting all other human persons…”

If passed, the Act would outlaw all forms of prenatal homicide and legally treat children in the womb the same as those already born. Its goal is to provide equal protection for all humans in Kentucky.

Kentucky Pastors and Legislators are invited to a special meeting being held at the Creation Museum on January 25th at 11 AM to coordinate and answer questions about the passage of this historic bill. For more information, visit: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/equal-protection-bill-ky-w-jeff-durbin-gathering-at-the-creation-museum-tickets-512090435277

End Abortion Now is a ministry of Apologia Church in Chandler, Arizona. It is a global coalition of local Christian churches seeking to abolish abortion by proclaiming the Gospel and standing on the Bible as the authoritative Word of God.

Action for Life is a political lobbyist group committed to abolishing abortion by drafting and supporting bills at the state and federal levels, Action for Life brings awareness to the murder of innocent children in the United States, mobilizing Christians to take action to protect their preborn neighbors.

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