“Mama “I” chose life on 5/30/2024,

She had lost her job because she could not get anyone to help watch her daughter (age 4) during the day, She found a way through DHHS to get approved for daycare, and she has already been applying at jobs to begin working again. She also has applied for food assistance which should come through in 2-3 more weeks.

In the meantime, my wife marie sent her much food and basics from our pantry, and several people donated a total of $190 that was all spent on food to stock up this mama’s fridge and pantry!

Her greatest need according to her, is community and real friendship. My wife and I are on top of this, she came to church with us Sunday to both services, and stayed for the fellowship meal! On Tuesday Marie helped her get to an appt and then we had her and her daughter over for dinner!

However, by our assessment she has some pretty significant needs, that I am hoping the Lord will compel you to support!

She needs to catch up on bills, she will need rent help until she gets her first check from work (section 8 housing rent is only $250 for her part). Now that she is approved for daycare she either needs a job very near the daycare, or transportation (a car or van) to get “to and from” work, daycare, grocery store, church, etc.

I am setting the goal for $1,000 because I believe that this will be enough to get her out of the danger zone with bills, and give a small cushion until she gets her first check. We are committed to helping her and other with rides, so it would be extremely helpful to both her and us if someone has a cheap car for sale or donation, it would literally change this families life.

Thank you, and may the Lord bless you greatly for your support!

Matthew 25:35-40″ -ONElife for Life – GR

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