Terry Gant

Foster Care: Our Christian Responsibility
“Father of the fatherless… is God in His holy habitation” (Psalm 68:5)

God Kills Babies in the Bible
I kill and I make alive; I wound and I heal;
and there is none that can deliver out of my hand. -Deut. 32:39

Adoption vs. Abortion
The truth is that abortion is not safe. It is not devoid of emotional turmoil. It is not a confidential alternative.

What Does the Bible Say About Abortion?
Scripture is the final standard against which all propositions must be measured.

When Does Life Begin?
“Every human embryologist, worldwide, states that the life of the new individual human being begins at fertilization (conception).” — C. Ward Kischer

What is premarital sex?
Sex and marriage exist because God created them—and He did so for a purpose.

The pro-life definition has changed.
The pro-life industry depends on the existence of abortion to maintain itself.

What Is the Point of Life?
Since the Christian source of truth is available to all and has not changed in thousands of years, it is a consistent place to seek meaning in life.