Fight Breaks Out at Council
Marcus Pittman spoke after a resident spoke in anger against what we were saying before the city council and Mayor Kate Gallego.
Check out End Abortion Now’s most recent videos from the field.
Marcus Pittman spoke after a resident spoke in anger against what we were saying before the city council and Mayor Kate Gallego.
Listen to how Pastor Jeff handles this common and widely used pro-choice argument.
See what happens when a Christian shows up to a Planned Parenthood rally
This message would not have been possible if it were not for people like you, who want to see babies saved.
Conversations like this would not have been possible if it were not for people like you. Please consider donating.We know this is an uphill battle
Be sure to tell everyone about this heartwarming and amazing video that shows an actual baby saved. Jon Speed talks with some people about the love and help that can be offered and it ends in a save! Be sure to show this to someone.
It is not often that Planned Parenthood supporters will partake in a rational dialogue. Watch this rare instance of a local clinic apologist engage with
One of the go to arguments for abortion on demand is that it should be allowed if a woman was raped. Pro-choice advocates love to
A professing Christian and Pro-lifer confronted Jeff and Marcus over there using the Gospel and talking about specific sins at an abolitionist rally.
The purpose of these videos is to expose the erroneous argumentation of Pro-choice advocates and to encourage Christians to stand for the lives of children at an abortion-mill near you.
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