Resources and Information


Listen to End Abortion Now’s most recent speeches and sermons.

jeff preaching

The Sermon With An Unforgettable Ending

In this viral sermon, Pastor Jeff Durbin speaks on the importance of having a bold Christian witness in the public square. You do not want

jeff preaching at reformcon

Tearful & Moving Sermon

Watch this tearful and moving message delivered at a recent conference. Pastor Jeff Durbin gave the last message and something unexpected happened.

Abortion ministry workshop

Abortion Clinic Ministry: twins saved from death

This video needs to be shared! It is so encouraging. Jeff Durbin, Pastor of Apologia Church in Tempe Arizona, gave a break-out session at the 2014 Ignite Conference on ministry to abortion clinics.

jeff teaching

The Gospel & Rescuing Children

This is the opening message from the #endabortionnow Conference. Pastor Jeff Durbin, of Apologia Church, spoke on the foundations of our ministry against abortion as local churches across the United States.

church service

Cutting & Unforgettable Sermon

Pastor Jeff Durbin gave this unforgettable sermon recently before an audience in Oklahoma. What he talked about was controversial and challenging in many ways.

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